Green Monday x TamJai SamGor Vegetarian Soup Noodle

TamJai SamGor x CreamGor is a special themed soup noodle branch. With the collaboration with Green Monday, we are here to experience the newly innovated vegetarian soup noodle hand crafted by SamGor using vegetarian soup base and fresh ingredients.

SamGor has come from a long way to achieve his successful business nowadays. Launching the noodle would be a breakthrough for vegetarian as for the first time, they can finally enjoy a nice bowl of heartwarming soup noodle across all the 50 chain stores whenever and wherever they want, marking a big milestone in Hong Kong. Having a vegetarian wife, SamGor has compromised to provide his tailored made soup using brand new sets of kitchen wares with quality and fresh veggies.

How does it taste? 

We have done a blind tasting to identify the differences between the meat based and the veggie based soup. We have found that the vegetarian soup is just slightly lighter and less salty, yet they are still very delicious and healthy! 

The collaboration is not just about the green food, but the truly heartfelt passion and effort that SamGor has put into this whole project. Although business is business, SamGor did mention that he is going to keep the vegetarian soup on the menu no matter what, and he is eager to influence the market to offer more and more vegetarian food to promote better health and for the sustainability on the earth. It is us to change people, the more vegetarians dining out, the more restaurants recognising the need of the community. 

SamGor has also prepared his housemade spicy pickled cabbage with his secret recipe. It was truly spicy yet addictive. We couldn’t stop refilling our bowl before our soup noodles come. 

Any Side Dishes? 

Hand Crushed Cucumber
A cold and refreshing starter to share. By crushing cucumbers beforehand, it allows the juice to be soaked in, then releases in our mouths once we bite into it. 

Tomatoes in Italian Chuan Style

A highly recommended starter to enjoy. The raw big tomatoes were seasoned with three types of vinegar to make a good marriage of exotic flavour. It was really appetising and tasty. We are missing this dish already! 

Chili Pepper Preserved Egg

One of the most signature and famous starters, usually preserved egg is enjoyed with pickled ginger, but you may find the savoury and excitingly spicy preserved eggs here at SamGor! We absolutely loved the innovative idea and we can’t wait to try some more starters! 

Black Fungus in Italian Chuan Style

The crunchy fungus is marinated with the sweet and sour Italian balsamic vinegar, as well as the tongue tingling spices from Chuan. How interesting to use Italian and Chinese condiments together? You will have to find out yourself! 

– This article is powered by hkblogger 


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