Be Inspired in Central with Live Painting Workshop Till 2 Apr

LANDMARK invites children to embark on an exploration of art and creativity with Inspiring Young Minds, a series of engaging and fun-filled painting led by the award-winning 10-year-old Hong Kong artist, Kenny Lauand art appreciation workshops. 

At LANDMARK ATRIUM, Children are invited to view 14 rarely seen artworks valued over HK$100 million around Vision Tunnels. Children aged 5 to 12 may join the 1.5-hour workshops to paint live in the heart of Central from 23rd March – 2nd April 2016 upon registration with HK$500 donation. Applicants will receive a HK$500 LANDMARK gift certificate and a take home goody bag upon completion of the workshop. All proceeds will support additional workshops, with invitations extended to disadvantaged children, allowing more young minds to be enlightened by art.

Whilst the children enjoy the workshops, the rest of the family can join the guided art tours offered by LANDMARK. Available to the public, guides will lead viewers through the installation, highlighting the connections and meanings in the diverse range of artworks on display. The vision is for the programme to inspire learning and foster awareness across society in Hong Kong.

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