S & W Organic Family Ltd – Optimal Essentials’ FibreDigest

Dr Phil Sheldon’s Optimal Essentials offers a wide range of Naturally Organic Raw Suprfoods, while FibreDigest is a Natural Digestive Support that helps alleviate the symptoms of IBS, bloating, constipation and poor digestion.

FibreDigest contains essential pre and probiotics to restore balance, as well as four types of soluble and insoluble fibre, essential amino acids, folic acid and magnesium to help repair gut damage and reduce inflammation, promoting natural bowel health and regularity. 

The product is great for irritable bowel, indigestion, detoxing/cleansing, reflux, constipation, increasing good gut bacteria, cholesterol reduction, general digestive health. It is recommended to consume after a meal, while each tub contains 40 daily servings

* Designed to help with all forms of digestive problems
* Contains 5 billion probiotics (heat and stomach acid protected)

* Has pre-biotics, three forms of starch resistant insoluble fibre

FibreDigest is powder based and each serving is only 1 tea spoon. The product is highly trusted with certifications and is produced in Australia

* 100% Australian 
* 100% Natural 
* 100% Effective 
* 100% Food
* NASAA Certified Organic
* Australian Made and Owned

After adding the powder to half a glass of water in room temperature, it is best consumed immediately for a better result. The taste is subtle and light and the texture is a bit thicken due to its high fibre content. 

After consuming the product daily for 2 weeks in a row, it is shown that bowel movements has been improved, there are less bloating no matter what you eat. Life has become more regular and energised. Having flushed out all wastes, we found our body more refreshed and rejuvenated, therefore, we are definitely going to keep using Optimal Essentials products.

Optimal Essentials only produce the highest quality functional Superfood with quality ingredients source locally in Australia, hence it demand at the premium price. It’s HK$490 per tub and contains 40 serves.

For more information or purchase, you may visit http://www.sworganic.com
S & W Organic Family Ltd. is the sole overseas distributor for Dr Phil Sheldon’s Optimal Essentials. Optimal Essential Australia will NOT accept and dispatch direct order from HONG KONG except through S & W Organic Family Ltd. 

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